Last updated
August 1 2019
Privacy Policy
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1.0 Information We Collect
We value user privacy. We do not currently collect or store any personal information from our users for the purpose of sharing. We may collect analytics for app usage, this usage is focused on app usage sessions (for example, a flow a user took to reach a specific screen, what buttons the user pressed that caused an error) other information may be stored but is never shared with 3rd parties or used for user tracking across services. Some information submitted by users may be inadvertantly stored temporarily in network logs for security purposes.
1.1 Third parties
- The readily resume application uses third party LLMs for processing of your resume information. To do this, we send the information in your resume to these third parties, we make no guarentee of the information that the third parties store or how it is used. Currently the app integrates with OpenAI for this purpose, please reference the OpenAI privacy policy to understand how they may use your data.